Do you like free coffee? Of course you do. Who doesn’t? How about free Mello Beans for a whole year?
Stand by for the world’s best coffee referral program.
This isn’t a sensational sweepstakes, or a lottery stunt. It does require some TLC. However, if you're a TLC kind of person, then a full year’s worth of fresh, FREE Mello Beans might be just around the corner.
All it takes is 10 referred subscribers, and each one of them must stay on for a minimum of 6 months.
Ok, maybe you’re thinking that 10 is a little steep. That’s a lot of commitment from a lot of people, so to motivate you along the way, we’ll take $.15 cents off of your subscription for every subscriber you bring. That’s not too bad, right?
What could this save you over the course of the year? Well, say that right now, you are being bamboozled by your local takeout coffee shop, and dropping, conservatively, about $2.50 for your cup of morning joe, every morning, seven days a week. If you’ve read our coffee math article, you’ll spot this trap, and know that you’d be missing out on over $15,000 over the course of ten years. All for some swill you could probably make better yourself!
So, if this seems like a no-brainer, that’s because it is!
Nothing is quite as rewarding as mastering your own cup, savoring your sweet savings, and kicking back knowing you just beat the game of coffee. If you become a Mello Fello today, we'll show you how to do all these things and more - deals, discounts, and weekly updates about cool coffee stuff we think you'll like. In the mean time, feel free to poke around, Mello out, and feel free to get in touch with us anytime!